
Sunday, September 4, 2011

"Nothing will work unless you do." -Maya Angelou

Spartan Shape-Up, Day 46:

Run Day! So, I am happy to report that, despite the fact that mornings are definitely not my thing (see previous post), I had my sneakers on and was walking out the door at 7:05am. WOOT.

I used some inspiration from my Spartan Chick ladies on the message board, got my head in the right place, did *not* hit snooze, and climbed out of bed on time. How bad do I want it? I want it enough to put in the work, damnit.

Today, I ran 2.6 mi. in 33 minutes, putting my average at 12.69 average mile. Which is horridly slow. EVEN for me. However, allow me to explain. haha... First, it was like running through a sticky puddle today. The humidity was out of control. Seriously. I'm real glad I ran so early in the morning, because it would've been unbearable at any other time. AND, despite the fact that it slowed down my average, I conquered a tiny bit of a mental hurdle: I RAN up the ENTIRE hill that I've been using as my warm-up walk. It was the very first part of my run (the first 1/8 of a mile), and gassed me a little bit to start out the 'regular' part of my run... but ultimately, I settled in, added two minutes to my overall running time, and made it up that damn hill at a run. THAT is what's important.

I've decided that I am, definitely, going to have to seek out other routes, because the one that I am currently running is just not long enough. The 2.6mi that I ran today, can't really be extended unless I happen to run uphill for the first mile. Which... Well, to be honest, I may end up doing. Spartan Tough, after all!
Although, it would be nice to have a route to run without a mile at a 45 degree angle. And just a change of scenery. In a nutshell, I'm on the hunt for a 5K loop, in the area.

On a side note, I had a great experience today. I met some family I've never met before. Apparently one of them had been secretly stalking me on Facebook (yes, a tiny bit creepy, I suppose), and the  first thing she said to me after "It's great to meet you!" was "OMG, have you lost a LOT of weight!?" If that's not a cool ego boost, I don't know what is. AND, There were even some random pictures taken of me that I don't hate! Woo! That's a huge improvement in my mental state.

Whew. It's been a long day. On which note, I'm headed off to bed to rest up - It's Lifting Day tomorrow! Yeah! Heavy stuff!!

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